By whom much is earned,
much is possible.

Nordwand Capital operates through our two subsidiaries, Nordwand Advisors, LLC, and Nordwand Investments, LLC.

Nordwand Advisors

Nordwand Advisors is an independent registered investment adviser (RIA), providing custom advisory services, ranging from investment management to trust and estate planning to philanthropic strategies.

Nordwand Investments

Nordwand Investments offers a co-investment flagship fund, individual special purpose vehicles (SPVs), and proprietary listed strategies structured on a fully co-aligned basis with other qualified investors.


Our firm is devoted to responsible investment management that is designed to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns, enhancing productive generational continuity and societal betterment. By necessity, large Wall Street firms have standardized their offerings and approach. In our view, this leaves them unable to provide the services and solutions ultra-high net worth families need and have relied on in the past. We created Nordwand Capital specifically to provide these services and solutions, to customize them to the particular goals and objectives of our client families – and to do so in a very efficient manner.


  • Proactive introductions, connecting our clients with our vast professional and personal network to share distinct business ventures and investment strategies

  • Personalized, objective advisory services, elevated by targeted investment management solutions

  • Boutique approach to delivering and executing opportunities, emphasizing agility, responsiveness and service

  • Investor-aligned fee structure premised on invested – rather than committed - capital, with the goal of improving net investor returns

  • Expected focus on company capital raises of less than $100 million to take advantage of what we believe to be a more fragmented and less capital-efficient market segment

Please Note-Limitations:

Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Therefore, it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended and/or undertaken by Nordwand Advisors, LLC) or any planning or consulting services, will be profitable, equal any historical performance level(s), or prove successful.